Artistic direction Denise Laborde
Artistic collaboration Cécile Pécondon Lacroix
Vies à vies links the elderly to what surround them in an architectural, human relations and private viewpoint: the life immersed in the environment’s strata acting as many skins, interfaces between the inside and the outside, the past and the present time, oneself and the other… [DL]
Creation visual and sound installation 2009 : Compagnie Le Grain, iddac, TNT, with the support from the Fondation de France.
Vies à Vies in 2007 is a commission from Logévie and the iddac in partnership with the company Le Grain and the city of Cenon. In collaboration with the cities of Cenon and Pugnac and with the communauté de communes de Bourg-sur-Gironde, Conseil général de la Gironde, DRAC-Aquitaine and Prémalliance. With the participation of CCAS of the city of Cenon and the support of SCRIME.